What happened @The Combine

t Event
Sad Collective: Take Y/our Time
Mental Health Awareness Month Programming and Pop-Up
Date: May
Location: @ THE COMBINE
The SAD Collective and The Combine are partnering to provide accessible support for y/our mental health. The programming will run for the month of May to create time and space for not only self-care but also collective-care. The collab will include movement and meditation classes, creative workshops, access to therapists, and a pop-up celebrating all things SAD.
May 3 | At-Desk Mobility with @sathish_fitsquad of @fitsquad_training
May 9 | Collage Night with @issuesmagshop and @ehikoo
May 16 | Midweek Reset Restore with @renelynquin
May 23 | SAD Memories & Futures Museum pop up opening.
May 25 | Speed Dating for a Therapist with @firstsession
May 31 | SAD Memories & Futures Museum pop up closing party